πŸ“ŠHow Our Ecosystem Projects Work Together

The portfolio of Forj brands includes Forj, Polkapet World and Metaprints, with 3 distinct tokens: $BONDLY, xBONDLY and $PETS. Metaprints was launched through an INO and does not currently have a token associated with it.

It’s important that our ecosystem is kept healthy through the interaction of assets and tokens from each project harmoniously. For this reason there will always be utility applied for Forj-owned brand tokens in other Forj owned projects. This utility will vary, but examples include:

Metaprints: requires $BONDLY to purchase genesis Metaprints NFTs in Forj Launchpad at a discount

PolkaPets: $BONDLY can also be used to purchase upcoming PolkaPets NFT sales

Forj: Stake $BONDLY to receive $PETS

In addition there will be a discount applied to certain sales held in project tokens

Last updated